Historical status of village LALPORA LOLAB.

Historical status of village LALPORA LOLAB.

It is clear as day that Lalpora is the main village of Gulposh valley. It is clear from the study of historical beauty that the name of Gulposh valley LOLAB is famous and known by the name of this village. In 1060 King Raja Loraz made this village his capital. King Raja Loraz built a fountain during this period which is still present in the north-east of Lalpora. In addition, King Loraz built a beautiful garden was also planted. This fountain is now called by the name of Lunag. And the village around this garden is known as Lopura. Then after the village Lopura, the village was named Lalpora and the spring. Lolab is named after the name

  According to the study of Tawaikhi Hasan, there were 8000 historical buildings in Lalpora and there was a big bazaar in Lalpora. The people of the valley used to buy and sell from this market. There was also a silk factory in Lalpora village. Badshad Zainul Abedin irrigated the land.

 A canal was built for this, through which irrigation facility was provided to ten villages. This canal is still in this condition. Besides, there was a Patwari Khana in Lalpora to preserve the land record, which was a tehsil at that time. It was called the office. Four and a half hundred years ago, a police station was established in the village of Lalpora, the boundaries of which extended to the town of Kupwara. This police station still exists today. It is clear that in the year 1947, the people of Lalpora built a Model School, which later became a lower high school in 1937, then a high school in 1965, and a higher secondary school in the year 2005, and this candle is still burning. Apart from this, there are about 30 private and semi-government schools in village Lalpura.

  In the year 2005, Lalpora was given I.T.I, in which nine youths from different villages come to learn skills. In 2014, Lalpora was given Tehsil HQ, which covers 16 villages, and in 2017, Lalpora was also given Block. .

  There are about 36 mosques in village Lalpura, including six mosques.

1 - Central and historic Jamia Masjid Lalpora.

 2- Jamia Masjid Ahl e Hadies bus station Lalpora.

 3- Jamia Masjid Baitul-Mo'azam Bus Station Lalpora.

 4- Jama Masjid Rishi Mohalla Lalpora

 5- Jamia Masjid Kalipora Lapora-

 6-Jama Masjid Rangwar Lalpora.

 Apart from this, there are two Darul Ulooms in village Lalpora.

 Dar Uloom Madinah Bagh Lalpora.

 Darul Uloom Rangwar.

 Lalpora village, which is the Margazi village of Lolab Valley and will remain the main village, is considered to be the largest village of Kupwara, not of Lolab. The population of the village is about 25,000. The village has been divided into five circles.

 Lalpora A: As far as Lalpora is concerned, the names Talipora, Bunpora, Sheikhpora, Kumar Mohalla, Changar Mohalla, Hapat Nadar are included.

 Lalpora B: Lalpora B includes Mandalpura, Rishi Mohalla, Kalipora, Didipora.

 Lalpora C: Shalgund , Rather Mohalla, Mir Mohalla, etc. are included.

 Lalpora D: Lalpora  D includes Rangwar, Mahi Mohalla, Hijam Mohalla, Peer Mohalla, Akhoon Mohalla, Farti Mohalla, Dompora, Gujarpati Sheikh Mohalla.

 Lalpora E : In Lalpora  E, Khosa Mahalla, Ganai Mahalla, Peer Mahalla, Tengai Mahalla, Vani Mahalla, Chan Mahalla, Mukhid Mahalla. Included.

      Village Lalpora is also the most important village in terms of industry and crafts. Lalpora has always been ahead in the field of politics.

 In fact, Allah Ta'ala always blessed Lalpora with his resources and always blessed the people of Lalpora with patience, courage, brotherhood, love, etc.

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