
lolab valley Unlocks New Vistas for Kashmir Tourism


Lolab valley, locally known as ‘Wadi-e-Lolab’ is known for its fruit orchards, lake, springs and lush rice fields. Lolab can be easily reached by road. Travelers staying in Srinagar can easily reach Lolab by a local bus or hire a taxi.Poets like to refer to Lolab asa true destination and as “land of love and beauty”. Lolab valley is 5km wide and 26 km long. It is located at a distance of 120 kms from Srinagar in Kupwara district. Lolab is a combination of three valleys, Potnai valley, Brunai valley and Kalaroos valley. There are beautiful Nagmarg meadows, which separate Lolab from Bandipora district.The headquarters of Lolab is situated at Sogam. It is said that Sogam was very densely populated a long time ago, when Kashmir valley was still a lake called “Satisar”. Travelers visiting Lolab also visit the resting place of a famous saint Kashyap reshi, which is located at a distance of 1 km from village Lalpur. A spring called Lavnag can be found nearby. The spring is three feet deep and has crystal clear water. Gauri spring is another major spring in the area. Government has taken several steps to maintain Lolab Valley to its pristine beauty.Lolab valley is in the northern district Kupwara of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Being very close to India’s most disputed border, Kupwara unfortunately ignites a lot of fear.

But things are changing now.Lolab valley is studded with natural beauty and warm, hospitable locals. Minus the throngs of tourists. This part of Kashmir is as virgin as it gets. The Lolab Valley is a Himalayan sub-valley and forms the north-western corner of the Kashmir Valley formed by the Lahwal River in the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir. The entrance to the valley lies 9 km (5.6 mi) north of Kupwara town and the centre of the valley lies 114 km (71 mi) northwest of Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir. It is an oval-shaped valley 15 miles (24 km) long with an average width of 2 miles (3.2 km).

The Lolab Valley is situated within the jurisdiction of Sogam, a block of Kupwara. It is bordered by the Kashmir Valley to the south and the Neelum Valley to the north, and is separated by Nagmarg meadows from Bandipore to the east. It is formed by the flow of Lahwal River, which flows from east to west. The Lolab Valley is home to many ancient springs, and is covered with dense forests of pine and fir. Fruit trees such as apple, cherry, peach, apricot and walnut are common in the valley, which is known as “the fruit bowl of Jammu and Kashmir”. The valley has several natural landmarks and tourist spots, such as the caves of Kalaroos. The main towns in the Lolab Valley are Sogam, Kalaroos, Kigam, Lalpor, Tekipora, Chandigam, Kandi and Muqam. The Lolab Valley has two division POUTNAI and Brunai, the areas INCLUDED in POUTNAI are, chandigam, etc. in Brunai are KuligAm, cheepora, varnow, etc. Like other valleys in the region, Lolab Valley is also home to many Himalayan wild animals, which include Himalayan black bear, Himalayan brown bear, snow leopard, ibex, markhor, hangul and musk deer.[6][citation needed] Lolab Vally is adjacent to Neelum Valley, and separated by the Line of Control, The Valley has seen many armed combats which has resulted in the displacement of many wild animals.

Kalaroos Cave


Lolab Valley was once visited by the Urdu poet Muhammad Iqbal and he wrote a poem, O Valley of Lolab! in the honour of Lolab's natural environment which starts with:

پانی ترے چشموں کا تڑپتا ہوا سیماب

مرغانِ سحَرتیری فضاؤں میں ہیں بیتاب

اے وادیِ لولاب اے وادیِ لولاب

Your springs and lakes with water pulsating and quivering like quicksilver,

the morning birds fluttering about the sky, agitated and in turmoil,

O Valley of Lolab! O Valley of Lolab!'

گر صاحبِ ہنگامہ نہ ہو منبر ومحراب

دیں بندہٌ مومن کے لیے موت ہے یا خواب

اے وادیِ لولاب اےوادیِ لولاب

When the pulpit and the niche cease to re‐create Resurrections,

faith then is dead or a mere dream, for thee, me and for all.

O Valley of Lolab! O Valley of Lolab!

Syed Basharat

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